Cancer Cells and Marijuana:
has been used as medicine among humans for millennia from treating cramping,
earaches, malaria and everything in between, Marijuana has had a long- term
influence on the medical world. While there may have been no scientific basis
for using marijuana back then, research about the cannabis plants's medicinal
properties has become more and more common.
With the recent medical marijuana movement, marijuana is finally getting exposure as a reliable alternative medicine. Though marijuana was made illegal in 1947, several movements pushed against the statutes, arguing the medical benefits of consumption. Marijuana was then placed on the controlled substances act of 1970. It was labeled a schedule 1 drug, meaning it had high probability of abuse and no medical use.
Despite this several researches began conducting experiments to see if marijuana really did have medical qualities. Some studies found that marijuana helps glaucoma, and other inflammatory diseases. Most notably, researchers found that when marijuana was given to patients undergoing chemotherapy, undesirable side effects decreased. Patients felt less nauseous, and were able to eat again. While these studies may be over 50 years old, they paved the way for more current research and hypothesis. Marijuana For Cancer Treatment
Does Marijuana Kill Cancer Cells?
some studies point to yes more than no, it is important to break down the
research to really understand the results, The national Institute Of cancer NCI
even recognizes marijuana research may point to a break through fro treating
cancer and tumors. Delving into the current research is important to understand
just how effective marijuana can be in killing cancer.
In a
study from 2013, researchers sought to explore the activity of six different
cannabinoids with normal cells as well as a combination with leukemia cells.
They found that a several few cannabinoids resulted in dramatic reductions in
cell viability meaning it killed off the leukemia cells.
these two studies suggets that certain cannabiniods really can kill cancer. The
NCI also reviewed 34 studies of cannabiniods and glioma tumor models. After
review, all but one of those studies showed that cannabinoids can kill cancer
cells without harming other normal cells in the body. Marijuana Store Near Me...
The Future of Marijuana and Cancer:
While the
marijuana's place in the medical world is continually evolving, there is much
to be done to ensure we find all of the benefits the plant can offer. While
advocates have for marijuana reform for years, the federal government needs to
step up and at least allow more researchers to study, If we dive deeper
into the ways that marijuana kills cancer cells. We may find more significant
and effective treatments for those diagnosed with a variety of cancers.. Medical Marijuana For Cancer Treatment.
All in all, the current research shows a potential for marijuana
to kill cancer cells. Until we legalize marijuana on a federal level, studies
will remain limited within the field. If more marijuana is grown for research,
and more people are approved for human trials, we may just find out the answer.
But in the meantime, we must continue to push for researchers to have more
authority in the field. If cannabinoids can help kill cancer cells, we should
be pursuing every science can support the previous research.
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